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Lucy Mission Ambassador Application - 2024 -25

Have you completed a L'SPACE Program and want to continue being involved in the Lucy Mission? Lucy Ambassadors will join the Lucy Team to help spread the word about the Lucy Mission, as well as other NASA missions to small bodies. The Lucy Team will train Ambassadors in the best practices of science communication and public outreach, as well as in the specifics of the story of the Lucy Mission. The Lucy Team will provide Ambassadors with all of the resources needed to give excellent public presentations and expect that they carry out at least (3) outreach events a year. Becoming a Lucy Ambassador is a one-year commitment, but we hope all Ambassadors will continue with the program beyond if possible (application for returning Ambassadors can be found here.) You must have completed at least one L'SPACE Program Academy to be eligible for the Lucy Mission Ambassador Program.  Application Deadline for the Lucy Ambassador Program: May 5, 2024, by 11:59 PM PT.